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calculating harmonic entropy

🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

9/20/2000 5:07:52 PM

Paul and guys,

If you do settle on an algorithm, but find it too computation-intensive,
consider I'll be happy to participate.

Entropia looks to be a fantastic way to distributed computing. I first
saw this idea in Berkeley, when my acquaintance Dan was recognized for
his screen-saver, which turned the power of the world's PC's to work on
a SETI project, when no money could be raised for supercomputer time to
analyse radio telescope data. It landed Dan on Good Morning America.



9/20/2000 5:02:37 PM

Carl wrote,

>If you do settle on an algorithm, but find it too computation-intensive,

Sounds like something designed to calculate entropy :)

🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

9/23/2000 10:01:41 AM

Incidentally, for those of you interested in distributed computing,
Dan's project is called SETI@home...

...hopefully, entropia will be up and running soon.
