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new JustMusic list at eGroups


9/20/2000 10:49:48 AM

I've started a new eGroup devoted to the purpose of finishing
my JustMusic microtonal latticing/audio/notation software:

I've sent invitations to about a dozen of you whom I already
know are interested, or whose work I appreciate and would like
to see tapped as input into my project.

Membership and posts must be approved by me - I did that because
I want to make sure that discussion stays focussed and on-topic.

(I'm a total newbie at being a list moderator, so I'm not quite
sure if anyone who's not a list member will be able to see even
the main page at the URL above. Unfortunately, because I didn't
know what I was doing, the first two messages had to be deleted
and so the numbering begins with 3... hmm...kind of like the
historical account of tuning given in my book...)

The JustMusic list is *not* for idle-chatter type of discussion,
or for those who would only be interested in JustMusic as *users*.
The list is strictly for the serious purpose of getting my software
finished and released to the public.

If you are a programmer or mathematician or have other abilities
that would be directly related to writing code for this application,
and you have not been invited by me, then please send me a note
privately and I will consider (and most likely approve) your

(Thanks again to John Starrett, this time for being my first
