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Gyaling from "The Diamond Path"

🔗Jacky Ligon <>

9/12/2000 5:57:47 PM

Hello friends!

Below are the cents values for the measurements I made of the Tibetan
Buddhist Gyaling from "The Diamond Path" CD: Shanachie 66006,

Class Actual Cents Closest Just Ratio
F# 0 1/1
G 139 13/12
A 280 20/17
A# 450 13/10
B 493 4/3
C# 707 3/2
Eb 884 5/3

The method I used to obtain these values is as follows:

1. I made two long recordings of the Gyaling from the CD into the PC;
taken from different segments of the recording. Knowing that
woodwinds tend to change pitch as they warm up from being played, I
wanted to take my measurements from separate parts of the ritual, so
as to insure that I was getting the most accurate representation of
the scale pitches.

2. Chose a timbre that is similar to the Gyaling for the comparison
and tuning.

3. Using a midi sequencer, I programmed 12 separate tracks, that
could "loop-play" one-at-a-time the 12 tET chromatic scale into the
synth module (this is so I wouldn't have to use my hands on the
keyboard, thus allowing me to focus on tuning out the beats from the
recording and the synth).

4. Using an audio editor, I selected small sustained moments of the
scale pitches, and loop-played them along with the sequencer - which
was controlling the synth module.

5. I would then one-at-a-time un-mute the sequencer tracks while
playing the looped segments of the recording, to determine the
closest 12 tET pitch.

6. I then tuned out the beats by changing the cents values in the
synth (using a synth editor for this purpose).

It was very interesting to find that 2 of the scale pitches fell
exactly on Just ratios; 13/12 and 5/3, also that there was a good
approximation of 13/10 as well. Also noteworthy is that there was
inversional symmetry in the 4/3 and 3/2 (approximations) 5 cents flat
and 5 cents sharp respectively; and that there wasn't a 7th in the
scale. I did take Kraig Grady's advice - and have only represented
the cents values that I measured, and made no attempt to make it fit
into the Just intervals. In fact, so as to not corrupt what I was
doing, I closed my eyes during the tuning - so that my ear was the
only guide, and when I had the beats tuned out, I would write down
the results. Thanks to everyone for all of the good ideas about how
to do this, and the inspiration to try it myself. As a result of this
endeavor, I now have a template that I can use for this purpose for
future study of scales in recordings.


Jacky Ligon