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Re: [tuning] question about La Monte Young

🔗David Beardsley <>

9/9/2000 2:04:56 PM

Joseph Pehrson wrote:

> --- In, "Paul H. Erlich" <PERLICH@A...> wrote:
> La Monte Young's piano tuning is 7-prime-limit, and you can get from
> any note to any
> > other note through a chain of simple, justly-tuned 7-odd-limit
> consonances.
> > That definitely qualifies it as a JI system in my book.
> Hmmm. That makes sense. Also I notice, looking at Joe Monzo's book
> that Young includes ratios 9:7:4 even in his "Dream House" which uses
> so many huge primes... So by the Schulter definition, since it DOES
> include some smaller intervals, it would also be just intonation...

So what's your question?

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* 49/32 R a d i o "all microtonal, all the time"