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Re: [tuning] cents and centsability


9/7/2000 6:27:24 AM

While anyone can use any notation they feel most comfortable, I find myself
feeling that a - 31 does for me something that a + 19 does not (such as when
using the 7/4).

If not a stop gap of quartertone breakpoint symbols, why not - 51 or higher?

Kraig! 31-TET was my second tuning (after quartertones). How often, though,
have you been asked to read music in other tunings by other composers using

Johnny Reinhard

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

9/7/2000 6:43:35 AM

--- In, Afmmjr@a... wrote:

> While anyone can use any notation they feel most comfortable, I
find myself feeling that a - 31 does for me something that a + 19
does not (such as when using the 7/4).

Hi Johnny!

Well, given this fact, might it not be prudent to abandon the
quartertones as a reference point entirely, as Paul Erlich suggests
and use "12-tET +/- <51" notation??

This, of course, would rid the system of the objectionable 24-tET,
that some people obviously don't like.

However, for me, I believe I would be inclined to prefer the
"adjustments" from quartertone notation since the "adjustment" is
smaller and, I believe, somewhat easier to negotiate... I believe
also, from your posts, that you enjoy quartertone notation as a basic
practice... Are you suggesting using BOTH systems??

But that would be a personal preference. For me, I believe mixing
the two different systems would be confusing to the performer.

In other words, for me, personally, there would either be
"quartertone +/- <26" notation OR "12-tET +/- <51" notation, not both
in the same piece...

But hey! Some jazz musicians don't even use notation at all! How
about that!
___________ ______ ___ __
Joseph Pehrson