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Re: Digest Number 77

🔗Graham Breed <>

3/4/1999 1:56:25 AM

These tuning digests are coming at such a rate it's as much as I can do to
read them, without much time to reply. I'll have a quick stab now,
apologies that this isn't properly thought out.

There's an explanation of lattices on my website at

Pianos, ah yes. I've played a lot on cheap synths and very little on
pianos. I much prefer the synth keyboard, mostly I'm sure through
familiarity but also because my hands are fairly weak and not up to piano
keys. Trying electric pianos, I found it easier to control the dynamics,
but harder to play fast. When I have played an acoustic piano, I found it
very difficult to even get a sound out of it. The point is, don't write off
those synth keyboards just because you were trained with something else. As
regards the keys, yes, there are no substitutes for natural materials.
However, some people are working very hard on this and claim to be making
progress. As regards the sounds, most synths do sound crap, but they can be
improved much like pianos can.

I had "heard of" Phish before that e-mail conversation with Carl Lumma, but
only because Paul Erlich had previously mentioned them on the list. Nobody
else in my office even knew the name. Except that they'd heard of Fish ex
of Marillion, of course.

That's all for now,
