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Joe Monzo's Prime Factor notation

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

9/5/2000 12:25:34 PM

I've read with great interest Joe Monzo's fascinating exposition of
his "Prime Series" notation.

In fact, I studied it 3 times. I'm beginning to get a glimmer of it,
particular since John Chalmers assisted me in getting a grip on the
idea of factorization.

I'm pretty sure that if I study it about 7 more times I will have it
really solid....

However, I am still a little unconvinced that this system can become
an easy, universal standard for musicians encountering

Could someone please persuade me otherwise... or has this discussion
taken place on the list before and I am missing all the links??

If so, I would like to find the "missing link..."

Thanks so much!
_________ ____ __ __ _
Joseph Pehrson