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🔗James C. Parker <>

9/3/2000 10:44:13 PM

Dear folks,

I must leave you for a while. My in-box broke 400 yesterday - I can't read
as fast as you can write! It's been a swell, wild ride, and I leave you
quite awestruck and with a book list for which I thank you greatly. See and
hear you all on the web. Thanks again -

- Chris

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

9/4/2000 5:39:59 AM

--- In, "James C. Parker" <ChrisParker1@c...>

> Dear folks,
> I must leave you for a while. My in-box broke 400 yesterday - I
can't read
> as fast as you can write! It's been a swell, wild ride, and I leave
> quite awestruck and with a book list for which I thank you greatly.
See and
> hear you all on the web. Thanks again -
> - Chris

That's just the reason that some (including me) would advocate for
Web access of egroups as the best way. Forget about the e-mails.
Besides, then you have the entire archive and Web links from which to
learn. The only "downside" is that you are "online" more... but that
will be a "wave" of the future, anyway...
___________ ____ __ __ __ _
Joseph Pehrson