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Fokker scale (correction)

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

3/3/1999 7:47:30 AM

I wrote...

>Scales are big. Takes years to learn your way around some of them. But
>preliminary playing gives me the feeling that "Fokker's 7-limit
periodicity >block of 2048/2025 & 3969/4000 & 225/224" functions quite
differently than >either my scale or its Keenan-tempered version.

The fokker scale I mention here is "fokker_12a.scl" in the archive. The
one Dave Keenan was talking about is "fokker_12.scl". For some reason I
missed the other 12-tone fokker scales when I went thru the archive the
other month -- thought there was only one of them, so I didn't bother to
look at Dave's diagram. My mistake.
