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RE: [tuning] triadic harmonic entropy


8/18/2000 12:50:29 PM

Joe Monzo wrote,

>If you put together a coherent discussion of this with both
>text and graphics, I'll be happy to give it a home at the
>Sonic Arts website. Feedback from others appreciated too.

Hopefully, my subsequent post on the subject, combined with the original
post contained something you could put up on the pairwise stuff. If you mean
the Voronoi stuff too, perhaps you could simply add all these various
postings to my harmonic entropy page, which was compiled from tuning list
postings anyway . . .

My computer is still crunching (since yesterday) on the tetradic analogue to
the triadic stuff I just did. Hopefully it won't run out of memory, and then
I'll report the local minima and local maxima of tetradic discordance
(thanks John deLaubenfels) calculated using this total pairwise harmonic
entropy method. I don't know of any way to make a meaningful graphic
representation of it, though, since it would be a cube with colors changing
all through its interior (the best you could do would be to pick a few
arbitrary planes to "slice" through it).


8/20/2000 9:09:46 PM

I wrote,

>My computer is still crunching (since yesterday) on the tetradic analogue
to the triadic stuff I just >did. Hopefully it won't run out of memory, and
then I'll report the local minima and local maxima of >tetradic discordance
(thanks John deLaubenfels) calculated using this total pairwise harmonic
entropy >method. I don't know of any way to make a meaningful graphic
representation of it, though, since it >would be a cube with colors changing
all through its interior (the best you could do would be to pick a >few
arbitrary planes to "slice" through it).

Well, the memory requirements were apparently too great, so I reduced the
resolution to 2 cents instead of 1 cent, and it's going fine. I'll post the
results tomorrow.