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reply to Dave Beardsley re: Compositions 1960

🔗Joseph L Monzo <monz@xxxx.xxxx>

3/2/1999 12:28:20 PM

I wrote:

>> There is no mention of any musical stuff in
>> most of Youngs "compositions" of 1960.

Dave Beardsley wrote:

> Composition #7 1960. The piece calls for a B & F#
> "to be played for a long time".

Yes, that's exactly the one single piece from this
collection that I knew specified anything having to do
with music in the traditional sense. It may or may
not be a coincidence that that's also the only piece
from the collection that I've ever heard (believe it or
not, on the *radio*! - see the end of my post today in
response to Patrick Pagano). That's why I said "most".

- Monzo
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