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RE: [tuning] Re: Answer to Carl Lumma on min7


8/17/2000 5:08:45 PM


I apologize for any misunderstanding our language barrier is causing.
However, I am coming to feel that language is not really our problem -- it
is more that you have many, many original ideas implicit, but not explicit,
in your writings. When you present the ideas one at a time, I'm finding that
your English is sufficient to make them perfectly understandable. Please do
not let my challenges to your theories deter you from continuing to try to
cross the language barrier. Rather let them be a springboard for you to
introduce more and more of your ideas, so that, in time, a fuller picture
may emerge. I prefer theories to have a minimum of arbitrary abstract
notions; however I am aware that at this point in time I have only the
flimsiest understanding of how your ideas tie together. By asking you very
pointed questions, and by replying pointedly to your questions, I'm hoping
to tease out the substance of your theory, while at the same time presenting
you with alternatives to consider, as efficiently as possible.

You wrote (in French):

>As for the question of listening, I do not have at present any means of
listening >to anything. I would like to, but I cannot. I must have patience.

Can you play .wav files or .mp3 files on your computer? You should be able
to if you have speakers. I'd be happy to create files of any chords, etc.
that you wish.
