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🔗Robert C Valentine <bval@xxx.xxxxx.xxxx>

3/2/1999 6:33:53 AM


I recently was playing around with similar problems to some that may
be relevent to you.

The question I asked myself was,

"given an equal tempterment, can I write a program that will come up
with a reasonable, quasi-meantone treatment".

For instance, type in "17", and get out

major scale : 3 3 1 3 3 3 1
sharp : +2 (double sharp +4)
flat : -2 (double flat -4)

The idea being that transposition and alterations used in 12 TET would
have a mathematically consistant mapping in the new temperment (i.e.,
sharping the 'F' will produce a G scale that is a transposed version of
the C scale).

So, given

temperment = number of tones per octave
whole = interval from C to D, D to E, etc
half = interval from E to F

whole = temperment / 6
half = ( temperment - ( 5 * whole ) ) / 2
if ( ( ( ( 5 * whole ) + 2 * half ) ) != temperment )
(however you would like to special case the problem
to produce results that interest you)
sharp = whole - half
flat = - sharp

My primary interest was to take a text based music piece and "render"
it appropriately into other TETs (and somewhat inappropriately in
others, fo instance, those with negative sharps).

Like most of my projects, this one is unfinished.

Bob Valentine