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Kahrimanis experiment, Tuning Punks strangeness

🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

8/14/2000 7:28:15 AM

I seemed to have missed the URL for the Kahrimanis experiment, could
someone re-post?

Just stopped by the tuning punks, and noticed that the page was
truncated, with some weird, semi-functional links at the bottom.


🔗George Kahrimanis <>

8/15/2000 1:13:24 PM

>I seemed to have missed the URL for the Kahrimanis experiment, could
>someone re-post?

That experiment, using tunings to test progressions in a dualistic context,
is at <>.

Thank you for the note! please, let me know of it works well this time.
I have been rather quiet because the monitor of my Mac is on the blink.
I save your messagges.

George Kahrimanis <>