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Re: History of seventh combinations

🔗Pierre Lamothe <>

8/13/2000 11:08:45 PM

Dear Margo

Thanks for your post. I'm familiar only with static (or paradigmatic)
aspect of chords and scales and you give me a glimpse on dynamic (or
syntagmatic) aspects of harmony.


1) your historic examples of chords are in a class I name "constitutive",

2) I seek for a clear distinction between "constitutive" and "extension"

3) I can't really express complex ideas in english

4) (I'm fluent only in french and "graphics")

I would like to show you a figure where many elements in dicussion are
organized. Your examples of chords are included an chords of my first

Could you give me your opinion on possibility to use such chordal matrix
for justification of some trends in musical language before XXth century.

Thanks for your attention

Pierre Lamothe