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Re: Adaptive JI

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/1/1999 10:32:53 PM

>> Other problem chords, such as
>> with four or more notes forming consecutive fifths, may also be tuned
>> 12-tone, in which fifths aren't too bad, and thirds are at least
>> preferable to those generated in 3-limit tuning!

>I think most people would prefer those in something meantonish, in the
>1/4 or 1/5 comma range, though IIRC (and I'm not positive that I do)
>Paul Erlich has advocated something closer to 2/7 comma. I lean
>1/4 myself--again, me being a 31-toner, that's probably not surprising.

Well, I advocated a something closer to 2/7-comma meantone by optimizing
its triads. If one is talking about chords with four or more notes
forming consecutive fifths, then I would weight the tuning of the fifth
more heavily, since there would be more of them than thirds. So maybe
1/6-comma meantone for these chords.