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Re : [tuning] Bent frets [was: Digest N 730

🔗Wim Hoogewerf <>

8/8/2000 4:55:14 AM

George Kahrimanis <> wrote:

> I remember seeing in books frets bent at right angles, like
> ___ ____ .
> |___|
That's probably the design of GenEral Thompson's ENHARMONIC GUITAR from
1826. It seems this guitar, which had bent frets very comparable to Jon
Catler's guitar, was actually built by Panormo, but I never saw the real
instrument or even a picture of it. The design appears in Harvey Turnbull:
> Perhaps it was Lindley's book, or it was in one by Martin Vogel
> (Die enhrmonische ... I forget the German for "guitar").
"Die enharmonische Gitarre". Martin Vogel had three of these guitars built
by Walter Vogt around 1985 (I was in the workshop when they were delivered).
They had straight frets however. Professor Vogel explained me that they were
placed in such a way that from now on any piece could be arranged for guitar
trio in 5-limit JI. He was not at all interested in the moveable frets, for
he wanted both Ab and G# next to each other...

(I posted the info on Thompson's alreday to Jon Catler)

--Wim Hoogewerf