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intense team [MOS and Phi]

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

8/6/2000 8:28:25 PM

OK. Things have been getting a little intense around here lately. I've
read things over a couple of times, but still need a little assistance.

What I'm getting is this: we have abstract mathematical generators for
making musical scales. Jason Yust wants to find some that generate
"proper" scales quickly, thereby being "efficient."

Somehow 2^Phi seems to satisfy these conditions, and was demonstrated by
Paul Erlich through a mighty addition of all kinds of 1's...

However, no practical scale IN EXISTENCE has ever used these kinds of
mathematical constructs. Ironically, though, 2^Phi is actually very
close to a perfect fifth, so scales constructed from fundamental
acoustical intervals are, somewhat coincidentally, very close to the
conceptual scales generated through abstract mathematics. (Or at least

Then there is a curious "scale tree" over in Anaphoria that looks like
the beautiful bark of a large cut oak, with aging lines filled in with
numbers. I'm guessing this all has to do with various scale
generators... but am a little foggy yet here...

Finally, Pierre Lamothe, the "challenger" happened to come on the scene
discussing scale generators. My French is very "comme ci comme ca."

OK. So I will read this all over again, but perhaps a little
summary/clarification would be helpful first, so it "sinks in"
better... If this is too redundant for the list, please post off-line.

However, I'm betting that at least a couple of other people could
benefit from the elucidation.

Thanks, group!!!

____________ _______ ___ __ _
Joseph Pehrson