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reply to Charles Lucy

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/1/1999 8:12:34 PM

>>LssLLsLLssLL {*- WRONG!!!!! }


>>C Db D D# E F F# G Ab A A# B C

>Whilst I appreciate your attempt to use LucyTuning scalecoding notation
>describe the sequence of intervals in this scale or collection of
>Please GET IT RIGHT!!

>Using L and s, one octave will always equal 5L+2s.

>Your description = 7L+5s, and only adds to the usual JI and associated
muddled thinking.
>In your confusion, you have used the symbol s to equal, (the bIInd) [it
>be (s)],
>and the symbol L to equal s, (the IInd) [It should be (L-s)].

>For an explanation of 31 Tet see

>Your note to yourself should have read or been interpreted as:

>C (s) Db (L-s) D (L-s) D# (s) E (s) F (L-s) F# (s) G (s) Ab (L-s) A
(L-s) A#
>(s) B (s).

Excuse me, I was not using your notation, so please do not accuse me of
being "wrong" for using a notation accidentally similar to yours. I use
the symbols L and s for any scale with two step sizes to denote the
larger and smaller steps; see my paper