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reply to Paul Hahn

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

3/1/1999 6:56:28 PM

>As I've discovered when messing in the 7-limit with my 225:224-based
>9-tone scales, using too many 3:2s bumps you up agains the 64:63
>quickly. If you want scale steps closer in size to a semitone, you
>to orient yourself more along the 5-axis. Hence the three-tetrachord
>technique that I described some time back, which delimits the
>tetrachords with 5:4s instead of 4:3s.

Remind me -- what is the technique you described, and what are the
scales in question? I recently mentioned the idea of three identical
5:4-delimited blocks in connection with the 22-out-of-41 scale.