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Problems with the super [stellation]

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

7/6/2000 8:10:31 PM

From TD 698:

> Paul wrote in the Sears Tower:
> >What am I missing? How does "drawing with replacement"
> >lead to the scales you diagrammed?
> Sorry, I thought the formula for the number of tones would make
> it clear. You need to "draw with replacement" two times, another time
> for the utonal tones.

Did Paul Erlich really post messages from the top of the Sears Tower??
If so, it will certainly be the most "elevated" discussion ever to
appear on this list....

I'm having problems with the difference between the stellated hexanys
and the "super stellated" hexanys.

Could someone just give a short "layman" rundown, if possible. I'll try
the formulas later (maybe). Just what is this all about??

_____________ ____ ___ __ _
Joseph Pehrson