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Re: [tuning] re: limits and ??


7/6/2000 9:00:42 PM

Carl Lumma wrote,

> For purposes of discussing consonant intervals, many listers have
decided to write the ratios involved with colons (:), distinguishing
_intervals_ from _pitches in a tuning_ (which they write with slashes
(/), following Ellis, Partch, the American Gamelan folks, et all).

I believe former TD contributor Dave Keenan was the first to really
bring this up here? Maybe not. In any event, anyone who might be
interested can see Dave's "A note on mathematical notation for musical
intervals" for more on this:


The unusual musical scales link on Dave's home page also has quite a
few other goodies including other "problem solving" type endeavors:



BTW, was any clean and clear way to express mixed o and u tonalities
ever put forward?