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RE: [tuning] Re: TD 701 -- limits (prime and odd)


7/6/2000 2:34:20 PM

>Maybe rather than debating who is "right" or "wrong," it might be
>interesting to see what musical or cultural perspectives might lead people
>to prefer one default usage or the other. When in doubt, explicitly saying
>"5-odd-limit" or "5-prime-limit" solves any question of ambiguity.

The definition I contributed to the tuning dictionary, and which Keenan
Pepper put forward independently, makes this an issue of context, not
cultural perspective. When discussing a tuning system of JI pitches, apart
from the music made upon it, the prime-limit usage is indicated. When
discussing the level of intervallic complexity that a style or composer or
composition uses as the standard for consonance/stability, the odd-limit
usage is indicated. Of course, there could still be ambiguous cases, but
both these usages derive from Partch, so occasional ambiguity is to be
expected :) :) :) (BG)


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