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RE: [tuning] Re: Apology on ~17.095-tet confusion (Dan Stearns, P aul Erlich)


7/5/2000 12:44:15 PM

Joe Monzo wrote,

>An important point to note is that 53-EDO distinguishes between
>the two different sizes of semitone in both the Pythagorean
>and 5-limit JI tunings; it would thus be inappropriate
>(or at least, radical) for performance of works written with
>a 12-note meantone tuning in mind. An extended meantone is
>perhaps another matter...

I don't see how. Any meantone chain with 5 or more notes has a logic which
can't be expressed using 53-tET.


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7/5/2000 12:56:24 PM

>Any meantone chain with 5 or more notes

Make that 4.


We have moved!

As of June 26, 2000, Acadian Asset Management will be at a
new location in Boston's financial district.

Please contact us at:
Acadian Asset Management
Ten Post Office Square, 8th Floor
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