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Re: [tuning] Badings quartet

🔗Kraig Grady <>

7/4/2000 4:21:49 PM

I would rather see Arditti do it since they seem to put more time into what they play.
When I met Badings he played me a piece for two violins based on a ancient greek fragment
using the harmonic series up in the 20's. would really love to hear this again. Know any thing
about it?


> I have made three MP3-files with fragments of Henk Badings' fourth
> string quartet. This quartet was written in commission of the
> Huygens-Fokker foundation.
> The page about Badings has a few words about it:
> At the bottom one can follow the link to the music page, or go directly:
> So, when talking about microtonal pieces that can hold the attention for
> more than four minutes: this is a supreme example. It would be great if
> the Kronos Quartet should take this quartet in their repertoire, I think
> they would have success with it. Surely they'd perform it with more
> flair and intensity than in this live recording. Anybody knows how to
> make them interested?
> Manuel Op de Coul

-- Kraig Grady
North American Embassy of Anaphoria island


7/5/2000 9:06:53 AM


That string quartet uses harmonics until the 18th. I don't know
which piece for two violins. I only know the third violin sonata
which is on the CD. Perhaps it is another violin sonata.

By the way, Jeanne Vos has died last month.
