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20 equal


6/26/2000 5:10:20 PM

Paul Erlich wrote,

> Dan, you may want to look into Balzano's work (which I described to
you in some detail) which uses a 9-out-of-20 "circle of fifths" scale,
first with triads, then with tetrads;

Yes, what I know of Balzano I only know from this list.

> and Zweifel's 11-out-of-20 "circle of fifths" scale, which I'm
almost positive has the same system of key signatures (and maybe even
letter names) as your system

Interesting. Never heard of Zweifel. Did he use the same method of
pentads, as well? This would seem to be a very strange coincidence
indeed! (BTW, did you happen to get a chance to actually try these out
on the ears at all? I'm doubting it as your probably answering on the
fly from work or something... I myself found the results to indeed be
pretty interesting.)
