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TX81Z as world traveler

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

6/25/2000 6:45:44 AM

Daniel Wolf wrote TD 689:

> Sadly, that 110 hz machine is sitting, unused, in a box under my desk in
> Frankfurt. With no time to find another buyer in the US, my wife had to
> schlepp it all the back to Germany.

So the question is now whether there is in inexpensive and safe way to
SEND such a fragile item to the US. I know even light packages to
Germany cost me close to $10, and there's no guarantee regarding

There must be a way, though... since so many fragile items, china, etc.
are imported to the US from Europe. Maybe they go by ship?? I have no
idea about any of this, but there has to be a way to get the TX81Z to
RESPONSIBLE people on the list who could be using it. (Sorry Jon Chang)

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Joseph Pehrson