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IT'S ALL TOO MUCH! [reality and tuning]

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

6/20/2000 7:18:42 PM

I'm sorry... that header was just too good for me not to repeat it. I
feel like that frequently myself... I wish it only applied to TUNING!

Adam Bushell wrote in TD. 682:

> Hi there,
> I'ver been lurking for a week or two, scouring the many messages for
> things I understand and occasionally they come up. Sadly I simply don't
> have the knowledge and background to really gain from this list yet.

I seriously doubt this is the case. Maybe it's just some of the
messages you have been reading. I have been diligently attempting to
"dumb down" the list, but apparently have not been doing a good enough
job of it...

I would say you should try to read even the messages you consider
"opaque." You will be surprised at what you will find. Eventually some
of it... terms, etc. will seep in almost by osmosis! Then, parts of it
will fall into place.

In fact, I believe that is part of the "seduction" of this list --
things start coming together for people and there is a great personal
satisfaction when that happens!

Certainly do not unsubscribe. There are many helpful people here who
will come to the fore to assist... I see they already have.

Paul Erlich is certainly right about my own case. Although I know it
has seemed like years to some, I actually have been on this list for
little more than 6 months!! It's amazing the amount I have learned in
that period of time... some of it TOTALLY transforming my music! You
will regret leaving!

And Paul Erlich wrote in TD 683:

> Judith, I'm glad you spoke up, I too am a musician and I believe
> music should be the true focus of this list, and have offered more
> than once to take the math-oriented discussions onto a separate list
> to avoid scaring away musicians who are less math oriented.

Oh... this is a terrible idea. Just horrible. Awful. And did I
mention that it really is a bad idea??

I would hate that. Part of the "fun" is reading through articles I
can't understand... NB ADAM BUSHELL... sometimes I FINALLY DO understand
them!! The stuff "seeps in" eventually... or some of it does.

If I understand everything on the list and know totally what's going
on... what's the point in reading it??

I admit there should be a RANGE of articles... but I think many of us
have been presenting those of late.

And if people think the HEXANYS are just arcane math, get ye to
Anaphoria and waft the airwaves there! These patterns are beautiful,
visually and in sound. There is nothing "arcane" about any of this from
an artistic standpoint, and one doesn't have to understand all the
arithmetic behind it in order to enjoy the beauties!

> So even if the math-oriented material were on a separate list, we'd
> probably come back to this list often to report our findings,

Did I ever say that this would be a terrible idea???

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Joseph Pehrson