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DX100 & Scala?


6/27/2015 10:08:37 AM

I'm trying to use Scala to retune my Yamaha DX100, but having no success. I'm guessing maybe it doesn't work, but it is specifically mentioned on the Scala homepage. Has anyone gotten it to work?

🔗Charles Lucy <lucy@...>

6/27/2015 1:26:03 PM

Many moons ago. I did successfully work out how to do this for the various Yamaha instruments from the eighties, and do still have an FB01 somewhere around;-)
As far as I remember you send the data to the machine and it stores the values for each of the notes and adjusts them as required when selected.

This page may help you

> On 27 Jun 2015, at 18:08, williambajzek@... [TUNING] <> wrote:
> I'm trying to use Scala to retune my Yamaha DX100, but having no success. I'm guessing maybe it doesn't work, but it is specifically mentioned on the Scala homepage. Has anyone gotten it to work?

Charles Lucy

-- Promoting global harmony through LucyTuning --

For more information on LucyTuning go to:

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🔗achmad fahmy <fahmyalattas@...>

6/27/2015 10:59:55 PM

 Dear friend.....just to make "on" in "scale tune mode" and you'll setting your scale tuning clearly...another reason if you want to make "Equal Temperamet Scale", you must go to the "Pitch KeyFollow" to change it, normally 100% for "12 Equal Temperament Scale".

On Sunday, June 28, 2015 2:49 AM, "williambajzek@... [TUNING]" <> wrote:

  I'm trying to use Scala to retune my Yamaha DX100, but having no success. I'm guessing maybe it doesn't work, but it is specifically mentioned on the Scala homepage. Has anyone gotten it to work? #yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845 -- #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp #yiv4928914845hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp #yiv4928914845ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp .yiv4928914845ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp .yiv4928914845ad p {margin:0;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-mkp .yiv4928914845ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-sponsor #yiv4928914845ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-sponsor #yiv4928914845ygrp-lc #yiv4928914845hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv4928914845 #yiv4928914845ygrp-sponsor #yiv4928914845ygrp-lc .yiv4928914845ad 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🔗William Bajzek <williambajzek@...>

6/28/2015 1:22:27 PM

Maybe I wasn't clear. I was hoping to use Scala to retune my DX100 to
specific scales. I know that on my Virus for example I can change the Key
Follow to get different equal temperament scales, but the DX100 doesn't
seem to have that feature. I can successfully send sysex to the Virus to
tune it to different scales, but so far I have not had success doing that
with the DX100. I ask about this because the Scala homepage lists "Yamaha
TX81Z/DX11/DX27/DX100/V50 (both octave and full keyboard bulk data)" as an
option that it supports.

On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 12:59 AM, achmad fahmy
[TUNING] <> wrote:

> Dear friend.....just to make "on" in "scale tune mode" and you'll setting
> your scale tuning clearly...
> another reason if you want to make "Equal Temperamet Scale", you must go
> to the "Pitch Key
> Follow" to change it, normally 100% for "12 Equal Temperament Scale".
> A.F.A
> On Sunday, June 28, 2015 2:49 AM, "williambajzek@... [TUNING]" <
>> wrote:
> I'm trying to use Scala to retune my Yamaha DX100, but having no
> success. I'm guessing maybe it doesn't work, but it is specifically
> mentioned on the Scala homepage. Has anyone gotten it to work?