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Use own notation system


7/3/2014 10:14:24 AM

Hello to everybody!

I'm newbie using scala and I don't know if it's possible to create your own notation system. I see that the command 'SET NOTATION notation-system' can choose predefined notation, but I can see the option to use my own notation for my own notes set in my tunings. Can I create a notation system? How?

Thank you very much

Jos� Carlos �lvarez


7/8/2014 7:39:49 AM


I don't know if it's possible, and apparently no one else who is still active here knows, so I'd suggest you send Manuel an E-mail, if you didn't contact him yet. You can find his E-mail address here:

Also, I'd like to learn more about that notation for your tuning, if you don't mind. ;)

- Gedankenwelt ("Geddy")


7/8/2014 8:37:18 AM

Thank you for your answer "Geddy"

I thought that the post wasn't published XD

On respect the notation, there is nothing new under the sun XD. I only
want to use simply flats and sharps notes, but I want to select which
notation matches with a given sound.

Thank you for your interest!

On 08/07/14 16:39, gedankenwelt94@... [TUNING] wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know if it's possible, and apparently no one else who is still
> active here knows, so I'd suggest you send Manuel an E-mail, if you
> didn't contact him yet. You can find his E-mail address here:
> Also, I'd like to learn more about that notation for your tuning, if
> you don't mind. ;)
> - Gedankenwelt ("Geddy")


7/18/2014 8:42:01 AM

Hello Jose,

Well there are already more than 500 notation systems in Scala. Doesn't any of them match your needs?
It's not possible to define your own notation because it is hard-coded. That way I can control the side effects, like in the .seq files, chromatic clavier layout, staff view, etc. So if someone invents a notation that I find interesting enough then I program it in Scala.

B.t.w., we solved the midi problem offline.
