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New Scala features

🔗kleisma <>

7/12/2013 7:26:16 AM

In the latest Windows release of Scala is a new dialog to create a scale from an interval pattern, like AABAAAB. When you use digits in the pattern the interval size is preset to that number before you adjust it.
Phi and Pi can be set with the letters f and p.
Go to File:New:Interval pattern scale. Comments welcome.

Also new are two ways to increase the number of consonant intervals in a scale by tempering the intervals towards them: Lesfip and Mimafip (LEast Squares FIxed Point and MIniMax FIxed Point).
It needs to be tried which method gives the most consonances. Sometimes it can be further increased by doing Lesfip after Mimafip or vice versa.
Go to Approximate:Interval approximation.
Use the Show Locations button to compare before and after.

Fave fun