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MicroFest Concerts coming up!

🔗William <alves@...>

4/10/2013 5:30:30 PM

For those of you in Southern California, I hope you can come to the next MicroFest event, at the Russian Hall in Hollywood, tomorrow, Thursday 4/11 at 8:00 pm. Come hear microtonal soprano Rebecca Tomlinson singing works of Bill Alves, Ben Johnston, and Wolfgang von Schweinitz, plus the Bill Alves Visual Music Ensemble accompanying computer video.

The next MicroFest event follows soon after: Saturday 4/13 8:00 pm at ArtShare downtown LA -- California MicroGuitars featuring The Living Earth Show, Giacomo Fiore, Garry Eister, and Alex Wand.

Details at

Should be a blast. I hope to see you there!
