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Two proposed tunings for Korg MS2000

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

4/5/2013 9:03:43 AM

Hello Tuning list.

I bring these up these tunings because my Korg MS2000 has only 12 note +/-
100 cent user tuning capability. These tunings are with trying to maximize
neutral intervals in mind. I'm interested in any comments the more tuning
adept members may have with regard to the "on paper" utility of these
tunings. Actually, looking at them they only differ in half of the first 4
notes after C.

tuning 1 tuning 2
Note Cents 1 Cents2

C 0 0
C# 100 50
D 150 200
D# 300 250
E 350 400
F 500 500
F# 550 550
G 700 700
G# 750 750
A 900 900
A# 950 950
B 1100 1100

