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Werckmeister III vs. meantone vs. COFT

🔗John A. deLaubenfels <>

6/12/2000 2:48:22 PM

[I wrote, regarding Werckmeister III tuning:]
>>Boy, that seems like a STRANGE set of numbers!

[Paul E:]
>It's not all that strange -- the fifths C-G, G-D, D-A, and B-F# are
>each tempered by 1/4 Pythagorean comma, while the other fifths are
>just. It works wonderfully for music in keys like F major and A
>minor, with the tempered B-F# mitigating some potentially dissonant
>thirds when modulating in the usual, dominant direction.

You're right, Paul; I was shooting from the hip, and I withdraw the
statement. What struck my eye was that, going one way from C, the
fifths are narrowed (vs. 12-tET); going the other way, they're widened.
For some pieces, that may be exactly the right thing to do.

>>I'm now curious to see how much "pain"
>>it causes... Any recommendations for particular pieces to throw at

>The Bach and Mozart examples would be appropriate, since they both
>demand a "circulating" temperament (if one restricts oneself to 12
>pitches), which is what Werckmeister III was designed to be.

OK! Let's start with the Bach b-b-b:

12-tET Total spring pain: 1015979.293
Werckmeister III Total spring pain: 812854.629
31-tET subset: Db thru F# 2201821.949
31-tET subset: Ab thru C# 671195.214
31-tET subset: Eb thru G# 470594.994
31-tET subset: Bb thru D# 579763.380
COFT Total spring pain: 348756.972
Adaptive quasi-JI grounded to COFT: 155538.101

Well, that doesn't show Werckmeister III in very good light! The
Mozart kv616 is a lot better, however:

12-tET Total spring pain: 262051.252
Werckmeister III Total spring pain: 144110.875
31-tET subset: Db thru F# 167045.100
31-tET subset: Ab thru C# 133869.159
31-tET subset: Eb thru G# 207664.471
31-tET subset: Bb thru D# 259414.234
COFT Total spring pain: 94059.211
Adaptive quasi-JI grounded to COFT: 44463.314

And, how about the Scarlatti K082:

12-tET Total spring pain: 262054.749
Werckmeister III Total spring pain: 138780.747
31-tET subset: Db thru F# 173012.351
31-tET subset: Ab thru C# 82698.777
31-tET subset: Eb thru G# 57098.589
31-tET subset: Bb thru D# 135743.270
COFT Total spring pain: 52032.956
Adaptive quasi-JI grounded to COFT: 27378.207

Here, meantone wins over Werckmeister III by a mile.

Well, that's an interesting beginning. Are there other fixed tunings
(for now, 12-note) people would like to see? How about other sequences?