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Re: [tuning] Question on Pythagorean tuning


6/10/2000 1:04:28 PM

Joseph Pehrson wrote,

> If the C-E interval in Pythagorean is 81:80, or 408 cents

Hmm, maybe that's just a typo, but that would be an 81/64 and not an

> and the E# a "comma" away resulting from a fifth down from the
Pythagorean comma B# is HIGHER... then how can it be a "pure" ratio,
since the just third a SYNTONIC comma away from the Pythagorean third
would have to be SMALLER... by 22 cents...

Fb, or 8192/6561 is the near 5/4, or Pythagorean schismatic third...
so if you were to spell a C major triad C Fb G in a Pythagorean
tuning, you'd have a very near 4:5:6 (C E G), which I think is what
your getting at - though I'm not entirely sure!



6/10/2000 1:29:02 PM

Whoops, I goofed!

Dan Stearns wrote,

> Fb, or 8192/6561 is the near 5/4, or Pythagorean schismatic third...
> so if you were to spell a C major triad C Fb G in a Pythagorean
> tuning, you'd have a very near 4:5:6 (C E G), which I think is what
> your getting at - though I'm not entirely sure!

Dan is absolutely right. Thanks Dan!