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The progression of cells

🔗Mario Pizarro <piagui@...>

11/6/2012 6:18:17 PM

Mike, Steve,

The first octave 2 positioned on cell number 612 corresponds to cell
number 0 which is having a frequency of 1 = C. From cell number 612 as
being intrinsically a second 0, starts a second octave where cell
number 1224 should have a frequency of 4.
The endless process establishes the definition: Any number
rely on the function

[(9/8)^(6n)] /(Pythagorean comma)^n,

n is an integer number.

According to the preceding paragraph, n = 3 is the generator of
number 8. So that any number is a function of the 1.01364326477
musical parameter.

November 06