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Reaching Beyond the Walls of the Concert Hall, A Live Improvisation Concert Featuring the Sal-Mar Construction this Friday

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

10/23/2012 6:06:53 AM

I thought I'd share this event.

I intend to perform microtonally towards the last hour or so of the
program. Not sure yet if that will be solo or as part of a group or
both as this is still in being gathered together.

Reaching Beyond the Walls of the Concert Hall
A Live Improvisation Concert Featuring the Sal-Mar Construction
October 26

3:00-6:00pm (CDT)
Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
1103 S. Sixth Street, Champaign, Illinois
Admission: Free
Special online viewing of the performance at Smith Hall, Room 25

This special telematic music performance brings together University
faculty, musicians, archivists, and special collections curators as
well as performing musicians from around the world to collaboratively
create an innovative concert experience that takes the live
performance beyond the walls of the traditional concert hall. This
special online concert removes both time and physical barriers to
connect musicians through the use of high-speed broadband connections
to produce a real-time streamed audio-visual performance that can be
freely viewed by anyone with internet access. This concert celebrates
the Morrill Act’s continuing impact on liberal and mechanical arts
education in colleges and universities around the world.

View the live program on Friday at