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Composing myself again [composition]

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

6/5/2000 6:22:08 PM

> This is a 22tet organ piece called Sunday Pipes,made with Cakewalk and Midi
> Relay/Midiconv.Tell me what you think...

Dear Mr. Oljare...

I listened to your 22t-ET work with great interest. For me, personally,
the beginning of your composition is VERY striking. It really holds the
attention... a little like a retuned Bohuslav Martinu! Really great. I
have a little trouble after the first 40 seconds... do you think you
might consider a little more "overlay??" There are also lots of stops
and starts... a little like Hindmith without the epoxy. The ending
veers a little too much toward the "traditional" for my taste. Even
though it's "retuned" it still is possible to go the "cliche" route
without intending it!

Also, I have no idea why you included the "unretuned" version. It has
no correspondence to the real piece... Etrange.

I bet you're sorry now you asked for comments! Anyway, we're not
supposed to be discussing composition or music on this list, only

Oh, I be bad. Wield the knife, crew....
___________ ________ ____ __ _
Joseph Pehrson