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Scala MIDI to Seq

🔗martinsj013 <martinsj@...>

1/15/2012 2:00:07 PM

Hello All,
can anyone suggest why Scala would omit some of the notes when translating a MIDI file (produced by another application) to a sequence file? I've had no problem with other MIDI files (e.g. those produced by Marcel de Velde). The problem file seems to have six Tracks; 1 and 6 contain only titles etc; 2-5 contain the notes. The majority of the notes are there, but there are obvious gaps (visible in the sequence file and audible on translation back to MIDI - this latter MIDI file has only two tracks - Track 2 contains the notes).

Grateful for any help,
Steve M.

🔗genewardsmith <genewardsmith@...>

1/15/2012 3:30:20 PM

--- In, "martinsj013" <martinsj@...> wrote:
> Hello All,
> can anyone suggest why Scala would omit some of the notes when translating a MIDI file (produced by another application) to a sequence file? I've had no problem with other MIDI files (e.g. those produced by Marcel de Velde).

If you have a problem with a seq file, sometimes it will work if you use MTS instead of pitch bend. Then you need an application which supports MTS, which the real problem, but Timidity does.

🔗martinsj013 <martinsj@...>

1/16/2012 2:41:38 AM

--- In, "genewardsmith" <genewardsmith@...> wrote:
> --- In, "martinsj013" <martinsj@> wrote:
> > can anyone suggest why Scala would omit some of the notes when translating a MIDI file (produced by another application) to a sequence file?
> If you have a problem with a seq file, sometimes it will work if you use MTS instead of pitch bend. Then you need an application which supports MTS, which the real problem, but Timidity does.

thanks for the suggestion (and I will try Timidity sometime) but I think my problem lies elsewhere - notes are missing from the ".seq" file. I suspect I had a mismatch between the "scale", "mapping" and "notation" settings - still looking though.

Steve M.

🔗martinsj013 <martinsj@...>

1/26/2012 2:06:49 PM

Steve> can anyone suggest why Scala would omit some of the notes when translating a MIDI file (produced by another application) to a sequence file?
Gene> If you have a problem with a seq file, sometimes it will work if you use MTS instead of pitch bend. Then you need an application which supports MTS, which the real problem, but Timidity does.

Just to bring this up to date, if anyone's interested. I was trying to "have my cake and eat it too" - write a piece using MIDI, convert to a sequence file *with note names* and then to a re-tuned MIDI file (actually 10-edo). I am still not sure why this isn't working, but I got around it by settling for the sequence file *with scale degrees* of 10-edo and then to the re-tuned MIDI file. This was successful and Chris V kindly produced a pianoteq rendering of the file for me.

I've made some corrections/changes to the piece and now I may be hitting the problem Gene mentioned - the sequence file looks complete, but the MIDI file on playback sounds wrong (missing several notes). Now to look into the MIDI file itself (could be the notes are missing, or they are there but not being played ...?) Such fun.

Realtime "noodling" on my (Halberstadt) keyboard through Scala "relay" and zyaddsubfx works fine, BTW.

Steve M.