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Reply to Jose Manuel Leon

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

2/25/1999 3:50:55 PM

Excellent post Jose! I would encourage everyone to go back and read it
(Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:42:45 -0700) if they haven't already.

🔗Jose Manuel Leon <JLeon@xxx.xxxx>

2/25/1999 5:06:07 PM

>From: "Paul H. Erlich" <>
>Excellent post Jose! I would encourage everyone to go back and read
>(Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 15:42:45 -0700) if they haven't already.

Thanks for your kind reply.

It would be great to see whether there are other people in the list with the
same kind of interest (that was my intention in posting. It hasn't proved
very successful thus far!)
I have tons of ground to learn to catch up in terms of technical aspects.
But one of the advantages of being a newbie is the "beginner's mind". I
question everything, including the necessity of the concept of scale as we
have been using it thus far. The music created under the diatonic (or
chromatic) reference seems to me very much two dimensional (in its very
raison d'�tre and expression), and that is so, among other factors, because
of the linear thinking involved in scales. My question again is, do you
create the tool and then figure out what it can do, or is the (conceptual)
need what will compel you to develop the tool? Probably both, but my
preference is the second option.