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Free Gamelan concerts at UCLA June 1,2


5/26/2000 7:45:45 AM

I saw this announcement this AM on the Gamelan List:

UCLA Department of Ethnomusicology
Spring 2000 Festival of World Music
Schoenberg Auditorium, Schoenberg Hall
Free admission

Thursday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m.

Javanese Music and Dance
Javanese Gamelan "Kyai Mendung" (Venerable Dark Cloud)

I Nyoman Wenten, director
Djoko Walujo, guest director
Nanik Wenten, dance director

Gangsaran minggah Ladrang Roningtawan

Ladrang Wilujeng, minggah gending Kuwi apa Kuwi
[composed by K.R.T. Wasitodiningrat in the 1960s]

Ramayana Dance Drama: Taman Soka [The Soka Garden]

Dancers: Nanik Wenten, Mita Walujo, Cassey lee, Eko Supriyanto, Anang Totok

The javanese program will be preceded by the Kolintang Ensemble of Mindanao,
The Phillipines, Usopay Cadar, director

Friday, June 2 at 7:30 p.m.

Balinese Music and Dance
Balinese Gamelan "Sekar Anyar" (Newly Blossomed Flower)

I Nyoman Wenten, director
Djoko Walujo, guest director
Nanik Wenten, dance director

Gending Swa Bwana Paksa
[composed in 1959 by master composer Bapak Wayan Berata]

Puspawresti Dance

Gending Kebyar Y2K (2000)
[composed by I Nyoman Wenten in January 2000]

Ramayana Dance Drama: Hanoman Duta [Hanoman's Mission]

Dancers: Weny Michelstein, Mita Walujo, Nanik Wenten, Eko Supriyanto,
Anang Totok Dwiantoro

The Balinese program will be preceded by Music of Japan [Sankoyuko Ensemble,
Gagaku, Yoki Daiko (Drumming ensemble)]
Ikuko Yuge, director

NB: The Spring 2000 festival is dedicated to Mrs. Ikuko Yuge on the
occasion of her retirement after 30 years of dedicated service to
ethnomusicology at UCLA.
