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Epic breakthrough at DIYkeyboard - open-source isomorphic PCB design released

🔗Mike Battaglia <battaglia01@...>

6/29/2011 1:27:19 PM

Check it out:

Some highlights from this thread:

"I've done the design as a tileable 6x4 array so if someone wants to make a
larger array in either the X or Y axis they can do so by simply mounting
multiples in the X and Y direction."

"The array is based on the MX1A series
of keyswitches from Cherry and has an LED per key. The purpose of the LED
is to label the white + black notes so that when I change keyboard layouts
the key mapping is visually apparent."

"The boards are costing me in quantities of 10 about $3 each.
No, that's not a typo."

Some pictures:

He's coding everything up in the "Parallax Propeller." I'd like to
write some Arduino code for it as well. Does anyone know anything
about the relative advantages and disadvantages of these two
