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🔗Carl Lumma <CLUMMA@NNI.COM>

5/15/2000 6:05:25 AM

>64megs of ram ought to be enough.

It is.

>NASA TV comes in fine, but if i try to get BBC tv, it comes in at
>29kps or so, which is not enough for a frame rate. I assume this is the
>internet routing slowing down the packages, and perhaps this is a more
>common problem then something being wrong at either end itself?

Where's the BBC server? Distance is probably the ingredient. That qualifies as "internet routing" -- so you're correct. Server overload and ISP overload are not uncommon, though.

>It's always a good idea to have as much memory as your operating system
>can handle.

That would mean in the Gigabytes for most OS's today. Most people would
not be able to tell if you added or subtracted RAM over 128megs. 256 is
about the limit for power users. More is only needed for servers, loading
large samples to RAM, or other specialized applications.

>A fast machine also makes a difference, the machine I'm using now (266
>mhtz) has problems with me doing almost anything while I'm 1. brodcasting
>real audio (49/32 Radio) 2. listening to ra or mp3 files while my 366
>mhtz laptop handles all this with ease.

Something else is probably going on there, David. 100mhz on an Intel processor shouldn't account for much.


Starrett mentions speed regarding BeOS... I was just thinking it was
interesting how most PII users would get more of a practical speed
increase with a free upgrade to Be 5 than a $2500 upgrade to the latest
PIII hardware.
