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Neutral Third Scale

🔗Mark Gould <>

5/30/2002 11:34:28 PM

The scale I mentioned comes out from my grid study (etc etc)

It fits within the 24tone scale, assuming a generator (analog to 5ths), of
3.5 semitones:

0 350 700 1050 200 550 900

reordered as grid structure:

700 900
350 550
0 200

intervals are

150 200 150 200 150 200 150

So I think it bears resemblance with the 12equal pentatonic, in which case,

two possible 'tonic' candidates:

900 or 0 (by analogy with the 12ET pentatonic)

24 total 'keys'

Anyway, that's how I came by it.
