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3/12/2002 11:18:36 PM

<<sounds like 'ekmelic' -- richter-herf's name for 72-equal.>>

Ekmelic is a generic German term used to describe prime harmonics greater
than 5.



3/13/2002 1:04:39 AM

<<sounds like 'ekmelic' -- richter-herf's name for 72-equal.>>

>Ekmelic is a generic German term used to describe prime harmonics greater
>than 5.

You mean ekmelisch; I don't know if that's exactly true. If I
remember correctly it comes from the Greek words ek=out and
melos=series so it means "out of the normal range". So in that
sense it can be seen as the equivalent of Ivor Darreg's term
"xenharmonic". The opposite term is emmelisch.
