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Astrology and the whole 12-tone thing

🔗Paul <>

3/19/2013 8:46:32 AM

I cannot do Facebook from work, so I thought I would respond to something being discussed on Xenharmonic Alliance II here instead.

There is some skepticism on the part of various members as to how effective it is to "get away" from 12-tET. One member has kind of given up on microtonality / xenharmonicity, for example. Mike mentioned that we have a kind of "digital" thing going on with tuning, (perhaps you mean "discrete?") where the ear pulls us to known pitches, such as G#.
This is reinforced for me, because of having absolute pitch.

Perhaps, it is a little like the situation of color perception, where we have receptors in our eyes / brains for certain color "pots" (roughly speaking) but this could not apply too well to tuning, because (of course A=440 is kind of arbitrary, AFAIK).

So I got to thinking about astrology, where is based on 12 signs or 12 houses, and the only thing that makes sense to overcome the obvious problem of the "cusps" would be to consider something kind of discrete in astrology also. Or maybe 12-based math just enters into many things in life and nature. The only form of astrology I think could have any credence would be in one's individual chart, in terms of how the houses relate to one another (First house, second house).

Don't see much credibility to saying "I'm Aries but I am on the cusp"
when it's so close based on the exact second you are born, and the exact longitude and latitude, etc. But unto onesself there might be some things going on here (planetary alignments that affect the sun, sunspots, radiation fields, who knows!) But the bottom line being to find something "digital" here also with the number 12.

Of course 12 and 24 come up in math topics such as Monstrous Moonshine, and even in the Riemann Zeta Function with 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... 00 = -1/12 with analytical continuation to the complex half-plane.

An excellent resource for explaining the magic of some of these numbers in string theory, physics and math are John Baez's papers

"My favorite number is --- " which include 5, 8 and 24, which are also the numbers in the Steiner system for the M24 group -- so important in codes, Moonshine, the Leech Lattice, etc.

So does anyone think about non-continuous math in relation fo tuning?
Is there a "smallest" granularity to tuning, (color, string theory, time&space, etc????_)