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Thirteen gold medal 5-limit commas

🔗genewardsmith <>

7/14/2010 1:12:02 PM

I first found the indomitable commas on a 5-limit comma list. I then checked up to 2^n 3^i 5^j with |i|<44, |j|<30 without finding any more, so here they are:

diatonic semitone 16/15 |4 -1 -1>
chromatic semitone 25/24 |-3 -1 2>
Didymus comma 81/80 |-4 4 -1>
diaschisma 2048/2025 |11 -4 -2>
kleisma 15625/15552 |-6 -5 6>
schisma 32805/32768 |-15 8 1>
hemithirds comma |38 -2 -15>
ennealimma |1 -27 18>
kwazy |-53 10 16>
monzisma |54 -37 2>
senior |-17 62 -35>
pirate |-90 -15 49>
atom |161 -84 -12>