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The url says it all.

🔗Charles Lucy <>

1/14/2008 6:38:38 AM

This structure I came across some time ago if it is interesting to the group i would be
interested to discuss details. I have made a small website with a graphic image.

but why in French?

Produces a similarly useless link, and makes the point;-)

End of sarcasm!

For the poster looking for microtonal frettings go to:

(This one is real;-)

Charles Lucy

- Promoting global harmony through LucyTuning -

for information on LucyTuning go to:

For LucyTuned Lullabies go to:

🔗Carl Lumma <>

1/14/2008 8:45:53 AM

>but why in French?
>Produces a similarly useless link, and makes the point;-)

Charles: I take this as insulting to our new member. The next
time I see this kind of thing here, I'm going to ban you from
this list.
