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Geometric algebra

🔗Graham Breed <>

3/31/2007 2:03:57 AM

Geometric algebra, which is almost the same as Clifford algebra, is related to Grassman algebra. That is the stuff with wedge products. I've been looking in to it. I found this page:

which links to this two-part paper:

As the wedge product is a part of geometric algebra, this may be as good a way of any of learning about wedge products. So those of you who don't like the incomplete Grassman algebra book could have a look at it.


🔗Dave Keenan <>

4/1/2007 11:06:32 PM

Thanks for that Graham.

--- In, Graham Breed <gbreed@...> wrote:
> Geometric algebra, which is almost the same as Clifford
> algebra, is related to Grassman algebra. That is the stuff
> with wedge products. I've been looking in to it. I found
> this page:
> which links to this two-part paper:
> As the wedge product is a part of geometric algebra, this
> may be as good a way of any of learning about wedge
> products. So those of you who don't like the incomplete
> Grassman algebra book could have a look at it.
> Graham