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12-edo from 2 chain of 6-ED(729/512)

🔗Mohajeri Shahin <>

11/13/2006 2:05:32 AM


From 2 chain of 6-ED(729/512) we have :

0: 1/1 0.000 unison, perfect prime

1: 101.955 cents 101.955

2: 9/8 203.910 major whole tone

3: 305.865 cents 305.865

4: 81/64 407.820 Pythagorean major third

5: 509.775 cents 509.775

6: 729/512 611.730 Pythagorean tritone

7: 713.685 cents 713.685

8: 6561/4096 815.640 Pythagorean augmented fifth

9: 917.595 cents 917.595

10: 59049/32768 1019.550 Pythagorean augmented sixth

11: 1121.505 cents 1121.505

12: 531441/262144 1223.460 Pythagorean augmented seventh

By using : Cd-((23.46/12)*d) which Cd is cent of each degree and d is degree of interval, we can have 12-EDO.

Shaahin Mohajeri

Tombak Player & Researcher , Microtonal Composer

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